Recently over the Christmas Break I have received an iPod Touch.
It's AMAZING! I got the 32 GB 3.1.2 version. It comes with the typical package (headphones, usb, usb holder, and of course instructions). People have been telling me to "jailbreak" it, which is a hack onto the iTouch itself. It is LEGAL. Although you are voding you're agreement with Apple and voiding any warranty you have bought it with, especially the automatic one year warranty.
IMPORTANT** if you think you can unjailbreak your already jailbroken iTouch/iPhone, and say that Apple won't know. You are totally wrong! They MULTIPLE MULTIPLE tests that will determine if you have jailbroken or not.
Basically all of this stuff became new to me in the past few days. Harsh upgraded from a 2 GB iPod Shuffle
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